Sunday 22 March 2015

3 Minute Wonder Proposal

Brief Outline of ideas? 

1) Airing the thoughts of football fans on football ticket prices. Why are football tickets prices so much when recent television deals have pumped over £5 billion into the industry. Every football fan attending games could have their ticket paid for  with the new deal, so why are the FA driving away fans when they could bring the next generation through?

2) What football means to you? Travelling to different grounds and getting the thoughts of the most committed fans out there who put their team before anything else. Lowestoft, Kings Lynn, Great Yarmouth?

3) A look at the Benjamin foundation and the work they do. A look at a local charity and the fantastic help that they give children who are struggling with certain situations. 

First Idea - 'Not just a game' 

The genre and format of the documentary will be an interactive documentary as I'm looking to present some parts of it to link sections together. I think I would prefer this to doing an expository documentary as I don't want to limit myself to just doing a voice over. The way Louis Theroux presents his documentaries is something I have looked closely at and the way he builds a rapport with his interviewee is key and will produce the best answers that way.

The genre of my idea will be sport/personal interest. The reason I want to make this is because I hear too many people call football 'just a game' yet I have seen so many people engulfed in the world of football and it's almost a culture to some people. I want to showcase the fans that think football is more than just a game and try and change some peoples thoughts on it, maybe understand that football fan culture is a way of life for some people. Of course the genre will be sport, due to it's obvious link with the 'beautiful game' - football.

Who would be my target audience? 

This documentary is going to be targeted at football fans as this is what the documentary is based on. This will be my primary audience as they will be able to connect with the documentary the most and will have the most interest in the subject. As well as this though I want a secondary audience which will be friends and family of football fans who think 'it's just a game', I want people to see what football can do for people and that to some people football really is more than a game. I feel by making this my secondary audience it will engage another demographic.

Stereo typically football fans are based in the D-C2 demographic table as football is still a game for the working class. This means that my target audience will more than likely be predominately this demographic. Despite this football is such a diverse game that both my primary and secondary audience will more than likely be spread across the demographic table.

The phycographic of my documentary will more than likely be reformers and resigned. Now I know these two phycographics are the complete opposite but here's why. My primary target audience will be reformers who want freedom from restrictions due to their connection with football and their alternate lifestyle. On the other hand my secondary target audience will be resigned as they will be set in their ways about football 'just being a game' and I want to change their viewpoints on this.

What's the aim of my documentary? 

Throughout this task I hope to give people a voice through the platform of documentaries and prove to people that football is a culture to people. I know this as I have experienced football all of my life and have met many incredible people who live and breath the game, but some people just don't get it. I hope to meet the real football fans and give them a chance to explain why they devote their lives to football. I also think it will be great fun to make.

Where will you need to film? 

I am aiming to film at a few local non-league grounds and then at Carrow Road as well. I will need to travel to capture interviews and get various shots to make this documentary.

Who will I need to be part of the production? 

I am looking to present the documentary on my own and also put the whole thing together on my own, I am looking to manage with just a tripod to capture clips of me presenting but if that doesn't work I will rely on a friend to take control of the camera while I present the short clips of me linking parts together. I will also need interviewees to take part in my production which I will hand pick from the various contacts I have.

Some example questions? 

I will obviously need some more time to refine the questions but here are my initial ideas for questions.

When did you first realise you were addicted to football?
What is it about football that you love?
How has football helped you in life?
Do you have any crazy stories from football?
What would you say to people who think football is 'just a game'

What equipment will I need to produce my idea and do I already have it?

Most of the equipment I need I already have. This includes the following

  • DSLR camera 
  • Tripod 
  • External microphone 
  • LED light
  • Memory cards 
  • Editing software 

One piece of equipment that I may need to invest in is a lapel microphone for the presenting parts of my documentary. I do have ways around this though which includes using the microphone on Apple headphones to record.

What is my proposed budget for this documentary? 

Considering I have most of the things I need I would expect the budget to be around £10, this would cover travel expenses and match ticket fees. If I was to invest into a lapel microphone then another £20 may have to be added onto that budget

Final Idea - 'Benjamin Foundation' 

After discussing my ideas with Ellie I come to the conclusion that I am going to produce my 3 minute wonder on a local charity, The Benjamin Foundation. I wanted to create something a bit different to the normal 3 minute wonder and wanted to show the fantastic work that the Benjamin Foundation do in my documentary. I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone a bit more and produce something that I've never done before rather than producing a football related video that I do every week in my own time. I think it will benefit me as a video maker a lot more and I'm also looking forward to showing people that might not know about Benjamin Foundation what they do.

The genre of my documentary will be educational as I will be informing my audience about the work that the Benjamin Foundation do. I am looking to present/voiceover some parts to add information about their work and add an extra element of educational depth to the 3 minute wonder, my main aim is to inform the audience,

My target audience is going to be a large spread and probably crossing over different categories. Due to me producing my 3 minute wonder on a charity rather than a niche subject I can't guarantee who will be watching my work, neither do I really mind, it would be great if all walks of life watch it. If I was to choose on  a socio-economic grading it would be a a B grade. This is because these be be middle class people who may be able to have an influence on the charity by helping with donations and more than likely not been helped by the charity before. In terms of lifestyle grading this doesn't matter so much but I would probably go for a mainstreamer as this will mean I will be going at the majority of the population and this will mean I have the most chance in educating the masses.

As I have said earlier I really just want to produce a heartwarming documentary and show the good work that local charities are doing for the community. Also, I want to learn about the charity a bit more myself, I have been involved with their managing director a while and we have worked on various projects together so this will be another learning curve for me. Not only that but I hope to produce something that the Benjamin Foundation will be proud of and correctly show what they do in this 3 minute wonder.

I am expecting to film in two locations. One of them will be a cafe in Great Yarmouth which will be a case study of someone that the Benjamin Foundation have helped and the other will be their new office in Norwich where I will be interviewing their CEO and managing director in the ribbon cutting of their new office,

I will need a few people to be part of my production. I will be interviewing 3 different people who will all have different viewpoints on the work the charity does and how it helps them. These will be interviewees and also act as experts. In terms of producing the documentary I will not need any help as I'm doing everything on my own, that includes all aspects of production.

Some example questions may include: 

- What has Benjamin Foundation done for you?
- In what way does the Benjamin Foundation work differently to others to provide more individual support?
- Where would you be today if it wasn't for the Benjamin Foundation?

Questions for staff

-What are your main aims when supporting someone?
-Did you ever expect to see the Benjamin Foundation grow to the size it has today?
- What made you want to devote time to the Benjamin Foundation?

Most of the equipment I need I already have. This includes the following

  • DSLR camera 
  • Tripod 
  • External microphone 
  • LED light
  • Memory cards 
  • Editing software 
The proposed budget for this production will be £5, should should cover transport costs. 

After discussion with both Ellie and Josh we have decided that my Benjamin Foundation is the better idea and this is the one I will pursue,

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jack - this (combined with your planning paperwork and 3MW research) is excellent.
