Tuesday 27 October 2015

Screen Play Treatment

Act 1:

Si and his family are sitting enjoying a nice family meal. There is wine on the table and Si's just got out of prison, all of the family are over, and Si makes a promise to his family that he will never mess with the law again! Si's wife, Sarah brings out the food she has spent the day cooking and the family say grace and begin to eat. Si realises that his daughter, Emily has not been talked about and is not present at the table. When bringing up Emily in the conversation at the table, it is evident that Sarah does not want to talk about it. Si's question then sparks interest from his grandson, Teddy about Emily's whereabouts. Si has been in prison for 20 years after an armed robbery in 1985 and Emily was only 2 when he went into prison. Sarah continues to decline answering the question about Emily, it is evident that it's an uncomfortable question for her and the family. Teddy still doesn't really know what's going on with his mum and he has been told otherwise about her real situation. Si leaves the conversation for the night as he wants a calm meal on his first day back out instead of arguing. The meal goes on and Si and Sarah lets the guests leave and puts Teddy to bed. They then go to the bedroom and make love. When Si looks down though he finds a grey hair on the pillow, Sarah isn't grey and she should have been on her own? Where has the grey hair come from? Si kicks off and his angry side shows his ugly head again, Sarah cries and locks herself in the bathroom until Si retires for the day and falls asleep.

Act 2:

Si awakes from his sleep and Sarah has already left for work. She is a teacher assistant in a first school. She doesn't need to work if she doesn't want to. Her parents were both millionaires and they both passed away recently hence leaving a lot of money behind. The only reason she began working was too get out of the house. They live in a mansion but Emily left home and Si was in prison, she was on her own because all of her friends left her when she married a known criminal. Si has to attend weekly meetings at the Police Station to see how his progress is and if he is settling back into normal society. His first meeting isn't until next week though so he has a week to himself to do whatever he wants. Si is still curious to see where Emily is and why the family no longer have contact with her. Si can only remember the small, innocent 2 year old Emily so is worried about what could have happened and has missed 20 years of her growing up from a toddler to a young lady. Si rings his old partner in crime Rod to see if he has any info on Emily. All Rod knows is that she moved out 11 months ago with her boyfriend. Si hadn't even been told that Emily had a boyfriend so this was a shock to him. He sat in his room that is filled with Milwall memorabilia and complete with jukeboxes and a pool table. Si used to bring his friends back to this room and take drugs and plan heists. Nothing has changed in that time and Si feels nostalgic. Rod goes onto tell Si that Emily was a beautiful young girl with good grades but got in with the wrong crowd at college. Si was devastated, he'd missed his little girl grow up and his hard man frame was crumbling as tears rolled down his face. Not only this but Si had remembered about the hair he found in his bed. Was it another mans? Was it the cleaners? Anxiety was eating away at Si, he'd spent his whole life acting as the hard man to cover up the insecurities inside, mainly at the fact that he thought he was punching well above his weight with the love of his life that he had let down. Sarah had sacrificed everything to spend her life with him and he had let her down big time. Could he really blame her that she was with another man or was it an unforgivable act that simply couldn't be forgiven? Si still didn't know about what to do with this situation but he had to find his daughter and talk to her.

Act 3:

It was the next day, the situation in bed had been forgotten with Sarah and she had enjoyed a good day at work. Meanwhile Si was planning to take the situation with Emily into his own hands, the only problem was that he didn't know how to deal with issues like this without using violence and if he used his fists, or worse then we could say goodbye to his future. Si finds Emily's address thanks to Rod who had kept her in his loop so he went over there in his blacked out Hummer, his dream car. He arrived at a large block of flats in a rundown part of town, disgust hit his face as he realised that his daughter had learnt off him instead of his mum and gone down the wrong road. He walked up to number 53 taking into consideration his surroundings, this was the place that he used to make deals happen, not go to visit his daughter. He heard screams from number 53, this must have been a mistake, surely? He knocked the door and there was no answer,he tried again and there was still nothing. Instead of knocking a third time he broke the door down, a man confronted him in the doorway with blood on his hands, Si pushed the man aside and rushed to where the screams were coming from, it was Emily, clearly in pain and covered in blood and bruises, her boyfriend had been beating her. Si lost it, he struck the man over the head and kicked him when he was down. Veins were popping out of Si's head, he has been into some pretty bad stuff but he has never laid a hand upon a lady. Emily's boyfriend had been knocked un-conscious and Si escaped with Emily, who was adamant her boyfriend wasn't in the wrong. Emily wasn't happy as he felt that her dad wasn't the man to lay down the law due to his past. Emily returns home and is told that she is more than welcome to stay there and she mustn't go anywhere near her boyfriend. Si was furious and didn't know why anyone would beat a women up. Si woke the next morning to a bang on the door, he feared the worst as he knew that Emily's boyfriend was part of a well known London gang, maybe he shouldn't have messed with them. It was the police, Si had killed the boyfriend, he had hit him and Emily's boyfriend fell and struck his head on the side of a cabinet and bled to death. Si was devastated but didn't want to tell Emily, as well as this he could say goodbye to the rest of his life as he would be spending it in a prison cell. The final shot ends with a night sky and rain dripping down the side of the window, Emily and Sarah look out of the window with tears rolling down their faces.

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