Tuesday 12 January 2016

Assessment Feedback


First submission
You have explained the requirements of working to a brief with reference to some very well-chosen and relevant examples. The second half of this has far more examples and is much better in content and quality. You do need to proof read your work as there are quite a few small errors that would be noticed if you read it back.

You have worked independently to plan a response to a brief to near-professional standards and you have applied the knowledge gained from you research and planning to conceptualise a product which shows creativity and imagination.

You have applied a response to a brief which shows imagination and a competence in animation. Your product suits the specified audience and is fit for purpose. You had only occasional assistance.

You have described working to brief and you have reflected on feedback obtained and also your own experiences of following direction. You have touched on constraints and the requirements of the brief and you have used some subject terminology, correctly.

You have explained your own work on completion of a specified brief and you’ve referenced your own work and research with correct use of subject terminology.

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